myself in the park

I was a Certified Surgical Technologist for over 3 years and now, I am a Software Engineer based in the Greater Seattle Area in Washington State, who loves to solve problems that deal with user interactions. I enjoy the front end of web development, designing beautiful and functional user experiences. Not only am I passionate about a beautiful front-end, but also about writing clean, elegant, and efficient code. When I’m not coding or learning new skills, I spend my time biking, cooking, discovering new restaurants and coffee shops. Connect with me! I would enjoy chatting about coffee, biking, and programming.


a picture of the website, Ilona's House Cleaning

Ilona's House Cleaning

Visit the website:

Marketing website for a house cleaning business featuring a React.js pricing calculator and detailed information of offered services.


JavaScript, React.js, Node.js, Express.js, Handlebars.js, HTML, SCSS, Webpack, DigitalOcean, Ngnix, PM2

Uses Express.js with Handlebars.js to serve static assets and page views. SCSS is used to create custom styling and responsiveness. Features a pricing calculator created with React.js to help customers calculate an estimate price for desired services for their house. Hosted on DigitalOcean Droplet with Nginx setup as a reverse proxy and ran using PM2, also utilizing Let’s Encrypt bot to auto renew SSL certificates. Integrated Azure Application Insights to monitor the website.

a picture of the application, Cafe Finder

Cafe Finder

Coffee shop recommendation application that lists the most rated shops in the city.


JavaScript, React.js, React Router, Node.js, Express.js, PostgreSQL, AWS EC2, Docker

Uses Google Places API with Node.js and Express.js to request and collect information for each coffee shop. React Router is utilized to create dynamic routing and React.js to present the data and detailed view of the coffee shops.

a picture of the application, ZHome


Visit the: ZHome GitHub Repository

Open source real estate listing application presenting detailed view of houses/listings.


JavaScript, React.js, Node.js, Express.js, MySQL, AWS S3/EC2, Docker

Uses React.js to present detailed view of houses/listings. Reusable components such as, modal windows and image carousels to display images and data. Amazon Web Services such as, AWS S3 used to store and retrieve images and AWS EC2 with Docker to deploy the application.

a picture of the application, Better Homes

Better Homes

Visit the: Better Homes GitHub Repository

Open source home/room rental application presenting detailed view and description of rental.


JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, AWS EC2, Docker, Nginx,, K6

This application was scaled horizontally from 1 server to 4 servers using Docker containers and the servers were deployed to AWS EC2 instances. Nginx was used to load balance the traffic across these server instances. Stress tests were performed with and New Relic to get at minimum 1k RPS with less than 1% error rate in an average response rate of no more than 2k ms.